Our Story

Our Story

Our service began after an detailed consultative process. The consultations revealed that there was a strong need for a targeted online retail outlet for hair care products particularly for people from black and ethnic minority backgrounds. What we found from our personal experience and the consultation and research was most of the retail businesses in Cities in the UK that provide hair and skincare to Afro-Caribbean customers are not owned by people of our ethnicity and culture and do not have staff that understands nor can address our needs. This means most customers’ experience is that these establishments do not know about the products they sell and the products their customers’ need. Our findings also revealed that these stores were entirely managed by Asian men when 90% of their customers are black women. As individuals, we actively promote black owned businesses locally and UK wide. Considering Black Lives Matters and other social issues affecting our communities we believe that black people need to be self-sustaining and build a network of other black businesses in order to move forward and break the cycle of dependency on others outside of our communities.